It is clear that the roots of Goju Ryu Karate stems for the „Nanpa Shorin-ken“ (Southern Shorin Style) from the Chinese province of Fukien. Within the vast space of China, many wars and battles were fought over many periods within their history, which built their great culture. Among such are the many styles of kempo, which today is regarded with pride as China‘ s national art. Recently among the karate practitioners, it has become a common sight to see the breaking of clay tile and wooden boards, or breaking wooden staffs across the body. They have deviated from the proper essence of karate and made it into a show. The point is that from long ago in China, such demonstrations were don e by street performer and medicine salesmen. They were not don e by the true Bujitu-ka, who despised such acts of show. Miyagi, Chojun Sensei strongly prohibited such acts. The techniques we have today have been passed down to us by our ancestors who have tood in “ a Place of War“. They experienced life and death situations from which they originated and contrived ways to survive. We are a part of that long tradition, which has been assed down through the ages. Although it can be said that we are no longer in a place of war, one should abstain from making it into a show. We must reflect back to the basics, and with a sober attitude, returning to the way of molding one‘ s character. From long ago, every Budo has taught, „begins with ‚rei‘ (manners)“ and „ends with rei“. Since the majority of practitioners are composed of hot-blooded youth, the loss of manners, erroneous acts, and regrets are foreseeable results. Whether in the dojo or out, proper manners should be the kept in mind. An honest, sincere heart will gain respect from those around them and of course inner self-peace. I feel fortunate that I have been blessed with a good teacher. To this day, I continue to train embracing a deep sense of gratitude. However, Miyagi Sensei has never, not even once, mentioned to his disciples about tales of heroic episodes. One day I asked Sensei, „I heard that you grabbed a piece of meat and it ripped out between your fingers. Is this true?“ He
stated that is not true, and in turn began to lecture me. Today there are instructors that boast of heroic episodes to their students. They are who that are not Qualified to be teachers. From Budo of long ago, it taught that the fighting techniques were the same as techniques to flee or run. The old proverb admonishes one not to take a life in vain and teaches, „the wisest thing to do in
a situation is to run away“. A good teacher, whose name will be know throughout the world will be one who has gone through many difficult years of training and persevered through severe living conditions, and yet without boasting. He must always let such example filter down to others and guide them through their upbringing. We emphasize the following guidelines always, in order to train students.
- Be humble and courteous
- Train oneself according to your physical stamina
- Be studious and contrive, eamestly
- Be calm yet Quick to act
- Keep yourself in good hygiene
- Be conservative in life
- Don’t be self-conceited
- Continue training with perseverance
Among the Chine se martial artists, the following cautions are given, that , Emphasis is placed upon virtue and righteousness over technique; And pay respect to instructors more than techniques. Don’t value lightly what is taught.
(Miyazato Eiichi – Okinawa Den Goju Ryu Karate-do, 1978)